Where does the word hotel come from?

The word hotel is derived from the French hôtel (coming from the same origin as hospital), which referred to a French version of a building seeing frequent visitors, and providing care, rather than a place offering accommodation.

Read, more on it here. In respect to this, what is the full meaning of hotel?

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what is the another name of hotel? n. inn, hostelry, ritz, hostel, fleabag, lodge, motor inn, tourist court, Auberge, motor hotel, motor lodge, resort, court, ski lodge, resort hotel, holiday resort, spa.

where did the word motel come from?

Entering dictionaries after World War II, the word motel, coined as a portmanteau contraction of "motor hotel", originates from the Milestone Mo-Tel of San Luis Obispo, California (now called the Motel Inn of San Luis Obispo), which was built in 1925.

Who started the hotel industry?

The start of the hotel industry - In France, at the beginning of the fifteenth century, the law required that hotels keep a register. English law also introduced rules for inns at that time. At the same time, around 1500 thermal spas were developed at Carlsbad and Marienbad.