Who is the most famous Greek writer?

10 of the Most Significant Writers of Ancient Greece
  • Homer. 8th century BC. He is mainly known for Iliad and Odyssey, the most famous epic poems.
  • Sophocles. 496-406 BC.
  • Herodotus. 484-425 BC.
  • Euripides. 480-406 BC.
  • Hippocrates. 460-370 BC.
  • Aristophanes. 446-386 BC.
  • Plato. 424-348 BC.
  • Aristotle. 384-322 BC.

View more on it here. Furthermore, who was the most famous poet of ancient Greece?


Similarly, who was the greatest Greek storyteller? Herodotus

Hereof, who was the most significant comedy writer of ancient Greece?


What were the Greeks first to write?

Most specialists believe that the Phoenician alphabet was adopted for Greek during the early 8th century BC, perhaps in Euboea. The earliest known fragmentary Greek inscriptions date from this time, 770–750 BC, and they match Phoenician letter forms of c. 800–750 BC.